Betta Fish Care

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Betta Fish Care

Betta Fish Care:

Betta fish will do fine even in small containers. This is due to the fact that they can breathe air directly like us humans with the help of a special organ called labyrinth organ which is situated on the top of their head. The betta fish are able to also breathe like the other fish using their gills. Betta fish care tip # 1 is that small bowls are fine with betta fish for the above given reasons.

The betta fish are also well known as Siamese fighting fish due to the fact that they are very territorial in nature and fight with other fish violently when any other fish enters their territory. The betta fish also protects their territory from other betta fish, not even a female betta fish can enter their territory.

Great that I am not a betta fish…I would love to have female companions in my house. For this reason if you place a female betta fish, you are bound to end up with a dead female betta fish just with in minutes. This gives us the next tip about caring for your betta fish. The care #2 is keep only one fish per bowl.

The bowls of betta fish should always be kept away from the places where the temperature tends to be very hot or too cold. Ideally, the temperature of the water should be maintained around 70 to 80 degrees. Betta fish care tip #3 is to keep the temperature around 70 and 80 and to avoid very hot and very cold places to keep the bowl.

Ideally, feed your betta fish up to three times a day. You have to give the food you bought from the store and make sure you do not over feed your beta. Betta fish care tip #4, feed up to 3 times a day.

Cleaning the bowl and changing of the water should be done once a week as the water start to become dirty. It is recommended to use water which was kept stagnant for a day for removal of chemicals. You have to tranfer your betta fish to this water which has been kept aside and then clean the bowl. While cleaning the bowel be sure that you do not use any soap, and if need be, you can use a mild soap.

When you use soap, it is recommended to clean and rince the bowel, rocks, and plants thoroughly to remove any soap in the bowel. Now you can transfer your the betta fish along with the water to the bowl. Betta fish care tip #5 you have to change water once a week but it can be said that this duration depens upon the of the fish bowl.

Betta fish is also spelled beta fish. This is a beautiful little fish with brilliant colors and long tail and ohter fins. The betta fish is naturally is not so beautiful fish, but the beauty and brilliance is a result selective breeding by humans. Just imagine how it would feel to have small little beautiful being in your living room and also funny to see the aggressive fighting beauty, and naming them with suitable betta fish names itself if a funny activity.

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